课题组外人员用RG2 完成的研究成果--80余篇(1 NC, 1 JMCA, 1 Scripta Materialia......)
Lei Wang, Yongpeng Shi,
Mingfeng Liu, Ao Zhang, Yi-Lun Hong, Ronghan Li, Qiang Gao, Mingxing Chen,
Wencai Re, Hui-Ming Cheng, Yiyi Li, Xing-Qiu Chen, Intercalated architecture of
MA2Z4 family layered van der Waals materials with
emerging topological, magnetic and superconducting properties, Nature
Xuejuan Yang, Aigen Li, C.
Y. He Rainer Glaser, Deuterated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the
Interstellar Medium: The C–D Band Strengths of Multideuterated Species, APJS, 255,23,2021.
Qing-Yang Fan, Nan Wu, Shuai-Ming
Chen, Li Jiang, Wei Zhang, Xin-Hai Yu and Si-Ning Yun , P213 BN: a
novel large-cell boron nitride polymorph, Communications in
Theoretical Physics,73,125701,2021.
Mohammed Al-Fahdi, Tao
Ouyang and Ming Hu, High-throughput computation of novel ternary B–C–N
structures and carbon allotropes with electronic-level insights into superhard
materials from machine learning, Journal of
Materials Chemistry A, 48, 27596, 2021.
Jing Liu and Haigang Lu,
Azugraphene: a new graphene-like hexagonal carbon allotrope with Dirac
cones, RSC Advances, 9,
Qun Wei, Rui Zhang, Bing
Wei, Wen Tong, Ruike Yang, Haiyan Yan, Meiguang Zhang, Mingwei Hu, Xuanmin Zhu
& Ronghui Yao, A
new large-cell superhard carbon allotrope: orthorhombic oC240, Molecular Physics, 118, e1767815,2020.
Mohammed Al-Fahdi,
Alejandro Rodriguez,Tao Ouyang, Ming Hu, High-Throughput Computation of New
Carbon Allotropes with Diverse Hybridization and Ultrahigh Hardness, Crystals , 11,
Qun Wei, Hui Yuana,
WenTong, Meiguang Zhang, Three new orthorhombic superhard metallic carbon
allotropes, Diamond and Related Materials,121,108731,2022.
Qingyang Fan, Ruida Zhao,
Li Jiang, Wei Zhang, Yanxing Song,Sining Yun, Ima2 C32: An
orthorhombic carbon allotrope with direct band gap, Diamond and Related
10. Qingyang Fan, Heng Liu,Li Jiang, Xinhai Yu, Wei Zhang, Sining
Yun, Two orthorhombic superhard carbon allotropes: C16 and C24, Diamond and Related
11. Heng Liu, Qingyang Fan, Li Jiang, Wei Zhang, Yanxing Song,
Xinhai Yu, Sining Yun, Designing a sp3 structure of carbon
T-C9: First-principles calculations, Results in Physics,
19, 103690, 2020.
12. Mengjiang Xing, Xiaozhen Li, A porous nanotube network structure
of metallic carbon, Results in Physics, 28,104579,2021.
13. Qingyang Fan, Heng Liu, Runling Yang, Xinhai Yu, Wei Zhang,
Sining Yun, An orthorhombic superhard carbon allotrope: Pmma C24, Journal of Solid
State Chemistry,300,122260,2021.
14. Xinhai Yu, Riguge Su, Bei He, A novel BN polymorph with ductile
manner, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 306,122794,2021.
15. Yalan Zhou, Zhenyu Liu, Li-Hua Gan, o-C12: A novel
orthorhombic metallic superhard carbon phase, Solid State
Sciences, 119, 106607, 2021.
16. Yalan Zhou, Xiang Chen, Song-Li Liu, Li-Hua Gan, Three
tetragonal superhard sp3 carbon allotropes, Solid state
communications, 323, 114095, 2021.
17. Rui Tan, Zehou Li, Pan Zhou, Zhengchun Zou, Wenqi Li, Lizhong
Sun, Dirac Semimetals in Homogeneous Holey Carbon Nitride Monolayers, Journal of physical
chemistry C, 125, 6082-6089, 2021.
18. Mingqing Liao, Fengjiang Wang, Jingchuan Zhu, Zhonghong Lai,
Yong Liu, P2221-C8: A novel carbon allotrope denser than diamond, Scripta Materialia,
19. Wei Zhang, Changchun Chai, Qingyang Fan, Yanxing Song and
Yintang Yang, Superhard three-dimensional carbon with one-dimensional conducting
channels, New Jouranl of
Chemistry, 44,19789-19795,2020.
20. D.Guo, C.Li, K.Li, B.Shao, D.Chen, Y.Ma, J.Sun, X.Cao, W.Zeng,
X.Chang, The thermoelectric performance of new structure SnSe studied by
quotient graph and deep learning potential, Materials Today
Energy, 20,100665,2021.
21. Junru Kou, Yalan Zhou, Peng Luo, Li-Hua Gan, sp3-Hybridized
superhard trigonal carbon allotropes: A first principle study, Computational Materials Science,
22. Mengjiang Xing, Xiaozhen Li, Designing sp3 networks
of two novel carbon allotropes in the P4/mmm phase, Chinese Journal of
Physics,75, 90-103, 2022.
23. Qingyang Fan, Heng Liu, Li Jiang, Wei Zhang, Yanxing Song, Qun
Wei, Xinhai Yu and Sining Yun, Three-dimensional metallic carbon allotropes
with superhardness, Nanotechnology Reviews, 10,1266-1276,2021.
24. Qingyang Fan, Nan Wu, Runling Yang, Wei Zhang, Xinhai Yu, and
Sining Yun, All sp2 hybridization BN polymorphs with wide bandgap, Journal of Applied
25. Adebayo A Adeleke, Adebayo O Adeniyi, Hu Tang, Huiyang Gou,
Yansun Yao, o-C240: a new sp3-dominated allotrope of
carbon, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 32, 395401, 2020.
26. Quihui Yan, Zehou Li, Pan Zhou and Lizhong Sun, Nontrivial
topological states in new two-dimensional CdAs, Journal of Physics:
Condensed Matter, 33, 365701,2021.
27. Junru Kou, Yalan Zhou, Kai-Lei Li, Li-Hua Gan, The stability,
electronic, mechanical and thermal properties of three novel superhard carbon
crystals, Computational Materials Science,182,109758,2020.
28. Heng Liu, Qing-Yang Fan, Fang Yang, Xin-Hai Yu, Wei Zhang and
Si-Ning Yun, tP40 carbon: A novel superhard carbon allotrope, Chinese Physics
29. Yonghong Liu, Xiaozhen Li, Mengjiang Xing, Jianhui Jin, Novel
BCN2 and CN compounds in C2/m phase: First-principle
calculations, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,158,110231,2021.
30. Wei Zhang, Changchun Chai, Qingyang Fan, Yanxing Song and
Yintang Yang, Penta-C20: A Superhard Direct Band Gap Carbon
Allotrope Composed of Carbon Pentagon, Materials,
31. Yingbo Zhao and Qingyang Fan, Three new C–N compounds in
orthorhombic symmetry: Theoretical investigations, Diamond & Related Materials 127,109181,2022.
32. Junqiu Zhang, Xingxing Dong, Shaogang Xu, Yipu Xia, Wingkin Ho,
Hu Xu and Maohai Xie,Metal-phosphorus network on Pt(111), 2D Materials, 9, 045002, 2022.
33. Qingyang Fan, Heng Liu, Yingbo Zhao, Xinhai Yu and Sining Yun,
Three non-metallic carbon materials with comparable electrical conductivity to
metals, Diamond & Related Materials,128,109203,2022.
34. Qingyang Fan, Rui Zhao Runling Yang, WeiZhang, XinhaiYu and Sining
Yun,Group IV element allotropes in the Fmmm phase: First-principles
calculations, Computational Materials Science, 213, 111666, 2022.
35. Yuzhong Hu, Qiuhui Yan, Pan Zhou*, Zehou Li, Chaoyu He* and Lizhong Sun, Nonsymmorphic P21/m-MoTe2: Novel 2D Topological Materials, Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 2200188,2022.
Copyright © 2022 RG2 group
random method based on group and graph theory
(RG2) for crystal structure prediction